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New Arrivals: Take a Look!!
- Lacasse Elimination by Deactivation or Removal
- Precision Barrel Renewal by Phoenix
- Velocity Winemaking
Increase efficiency and reduce time to bottle
- Tartrate Stabilization service by STARS
- Primary Clarification by Mobile Centrifuge
- Finish Clarification by Ceramic membrane Cross Flow Filtration
Optimize flavor and color
- Color Concentration by Ultra Filtration
- Taint removal by Reverse Osmosis
- Alcohol Adjustment, your place or ours
Cellar Services and Products
- Bulk Wine Storage
- Sale of Grape Neutral Spirits for Fortification
What can Winesecrets Cool Tools do for you?
Mobile Centrifuge – Gravity on Demand!
From STS in Australia we bring you the next generation
of a trusted tool. Meets all rough filtration needs.
- Remove solids before/after fermentation
- Settle Bentonite instantly
- Reduce rackings
Ceramic Membrane Cross Flow
Della Toffola’s systems are contractor-tested tough.
They stand up to solids like nothing we’ve seen.
- Consistent performance
- Quick and easy to clean
- Specialized, High-solids version available
California Flex Your Power award winner.
- Stable in hours, not weeks!
- Reduce electrical consumption & wine loss
Lacasse Elimination
Save your wine from this color-devouring enzyme
- Thermal Deactivation
- Removal by Ultra Filtration
Grape Neutral Spirits
Our wine-derived high-proof is known for its quality
- Column-distilled to 170 proof
- Additions to fortify wine
- Sanitation
Bulk Wine Storage
We have over 250,000 gallons of tanks in house
- Velocity Winemaking services available
Call: 888.656.5553
Email: Eric Dahlberg eric@winesecrets.com