Can topper
KHS Group has developed a process to make sustainable cardboard can toppers as viable and simple to produce as traditional plastic versions.
The packaging is user friendly, the material kind to the environment, and the machine powerful: the KHS Group’s Innopack Kisters CNP (Carton Nature Packer) processes can toppers made of cardboard at a rate of up to 108,000 cans per hour.
With the help of its recently developed CNP machine, the turnkey supplier is now establishing a further sustainable form of secondary packaging on the market.
KHS says the Innopack Kisters CNP has been designed as a modular system that can be individually added to as and when required. This means that operators can switch to different cardboard materials or alter the pack size, among other options.
“Optimizing our systems and saving on materials and energy as a result have long been among our core activities,” says account
manager Sören Storbeck. “In the Carton Nature Packer we offer the beverage industry yet another system that’s fit for the future.”
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