BC new orchard farm
Agriculture Land Leasing Workshop
An interactive information session for land owners interested in leasing out their own agriculture land and for farmers or prospective farmers/producers seeking to lease land for agriculture purposes. The workshop is designed to provide guidance and information of lease considerations, managing the risks and understanding property tax and income tax implications.
Chris Henderson, CPA, CA Chartered Accountant
Howard Joynt P.Ag, Professional Agrologist
Tuesday January 12th, 2016
9:00 AM – Noon
Woodhaven Room - Regional District Central Okanagan
1450 KLO Road, Kelowna
There is no cost for the workshop but please RSVP with your name and phone number.
RSVP or further information contact:
250-260-4621 (leave a message with your name & phone #)
Sponsored by: Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission, Central Okanagan Regional District, and BC Ministry of Agriculture.