BC Association of Farmers' Markets
Save the Date! March 3-5, 2017
Farmers' Markets For All
It all starts March 3-5, 2017 at the Inn at the Quay in New Westminster for their annual conference! This year's theme is "Farmers’ Markets For All." With the help of industry experts and community members and examine how one can nurture and strengthen an inclusive, diverse, and thriving farmers’ market sector in British Columbia.
The annual BC Farmers' Market Conference is a gathering of farmers’ market organizers, board members, vendors, small food processors, and agricultural and community leaders. Hope you can join in for a weekend packed full of practical workshops, networking, social activities, and the annual Farmers’ Market Awards! Early bird tickets will be available soon.
The Inn at the Quay in New Westminster
Keynote Speaker:
Richard McCarthy, Slow Food USA
Richard McCarthy, Slow Food USA
Just confirmed, Richard McCarthy, Executive Director of Slow Food USA, will be the conference keynote speaker! Richard goes way back with farmers' markets, having previously served as Executive Director of Market Umbrella, an internationally recognized non-profit mentor organization for farmers' markets, community building and sustainable economic development. He is also the founding President of the Farmers Market Coalition, the national voice for farmers' markets, which contributed to the development of the US Department of Agriculture Farmers' Market Promotion Program, yielding $32 million over seven years to farmers market innovation and professionalism.
New in 2017: Slow Food Fest
Just in case you need something else to be excited about, we've added an event that will further satisfy your noses, taste buds and belly! Our Slow Food Fest will take place on Sunday, March 5 at the New Westminster River Market, and will feature local chefs to show you the pleasures of connecting your food to those who grow, process and cook it! Stay tuned for more tasty details.
Call for Workshop Proposals:
We want to hear from you! Share your expertise, experiences, and passion with the BC farmers’ market community (market managers, board members, vendors, farmers, government stakeholders). Send us your workshop proposals for our 2017 conference. Each workshop will run for 75 minutes, and will be attended by approximately 25-75 people.
- Submit your proposal by Tuesday, December 16, 2016.
See more at www.bcfarmersmarket.org