Innovation can take the form of improving or enhancing something that already exists; like providing soft mats for staff to stand on, better signage to direct customers to your site, unique new tastes and flavours, and interesting eye-catching labels that reflect your brand or designing a totally brand new product or service!
It’s been around for a while . . .
“Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it, after it is found."
James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)
Sometimes the light bulb just goes off or should I say lights up? Crazy how that works, we can go merrily along, possibly struggling or making the same trip over and over again, think travelling with too many odd bags and boxes. Then someone can come along with a suggestion or new gadget to make our life easier. That’s how innovation is born.
A time I remember, was when I had numerous kitchen appliances all vying for the same two outlets, I would unplug one and unplug another, as I needed. My son was watching me when his brain clicked, and said, ‘hold on mom’. Then he went away and brought me back a six-plug receptacle. Life just got easier and I think of him every time I see that plug-in’ device.
This is such an exciting time of year for us here at O&V! There are so many fascinating and innovative people and products in this industry, your stories inspire us so much creating frenzy in the office!
Inside you’ll read about sustainable ideas that are trending and good for the environment, advanced growing techniques, unique gadgets, healthy and tasty products along with marketing ideas that encourage visitors, customers and the stimulate our industry.
Here’s a simple quote written by a great one!
"To have a great idea, have a lot of them."
Thomas Edison
Enjoy the magazine and become more inspired!