My grandfather was a builder in the 1940s, he had a very good reputation around town for building quality, constructed homes.
I remember him being very handy and innovative, as he was always fixing this and that. The jokes around the family were another story. My uncles teased him, saying he would fix anything with a piece of string, a hairpin or chewing gum.
I think that’s because one time a kitchen tile fell off and he attached it with chewing gum. Another time it was the big box air conditioners on the wall of the grocery store; they were mounted on the alley side and kept getting knocked loose by delivery trucks. One day he came along with some string or maybe it was the hairpin. In any event, that’s how the teasing started.
Innovation can come in many forms. Innovative ways to fix things (now we can go online for help), or there are so many creative ways to design products and implement systems.
Even more creative is an experience like the Winebloggers’ Conference, recently held in Penticton. This event attracted food and wine bloggers from all over. What a fabulous way to showcase our region! Visitors (attendees) were treated to the ultimate travel experience, which combined excursions to experience the area by paddle boarding, or hiking to historic locations, while enjoying fresh, chef-prepared food, an abundance of wine, and educational workshops. All the while blogging to their followers and contacts about how lovely and beautiful it is in the Okanagan.
What a great promotion for the region, the growers, wineries and B.C.
Innovation does come in many different forms and we have gathered a few for you in this issue, so gather your bobby pins, string and don’t forget your smart phone or tablets for online searches.
Enjoy the magazine!