It’s another start to the season and there are so many tradeshows across the country to help with networking, inspiration and education. I wonder how much the consumer knows about what it really takes to bring products to market.
Beautiful photos are shared on social media about harvesting, farmers with their healthy crops, people harvesting ice-wine under the glistening moon, totes filled with grapes ready for crush, perfectly poured wine glasses perched on tables overlooking beautiful valleys and so many other people having fun and posting on your behalf.
How do you share your photos and story? Have we featured you or your neighbours’ family farm in the magazine or published your bright idea or products that you want to get across to others? Usually, we scout around for ideas, hear about them from our writers or you call in or write to us . . . we do like hearing from you!
The other day, I was shopping and overheard a ‘food demo man’ tell the same story over and over again on how his product, frozen pineapple, was picked fresh, flash frozen so that it was just as fresh as you had the fresh fruit. I didn’t actually think it was as good as the fresh fruit that I’d had before, but nonetheless people were sampling.
My suggestion to you is, the way we find out about what to publish in the magazine, others will find out about you too. So, continue to tell your stories, we love them and so many others do too!
Utilize social media as part of your plan to share your beautiful photos, or contact us by phone or send us an email describing your operation, business or even quirky ideas.
Take a minute to ‘Like Us’ on Facebook; so we can share your photos and ‘Like you’ back!
Enjoy the Magazine!