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BC Farmers' Market
"It Feels Better At the Farmers' Market"
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BC Farmers' Market
"It Feels Better At the Farmers' Market"
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BC Farmers' Market
"It Feels Better At the Farmers' Market"
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BC Farmers' Market
"It Feels Better At the Farmers' Market"
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BC Farmers' Market
"It Feels Better At the Farmers' Market"
Thrive! BC Farmers’ Markets Conference 2015
Thrive! the 16th annual BC Association of Farmers’ Markets conference is a three-day event featuring multi-track workshops, an industry specific trade show, networking opportunities, delicious local food, and an evening banquet featuring the 2nd annual Farmers’ Market Awards.
Early bird rates available until Feb. 1st. Details: bcfarmersmarket.org
Feb. 20-22, 2015 at the Oceanfront Suites at Cowichan Bay
Discover why "It Feels Better At the Farmers' Market"
Twitter: @bcfarmersmarket
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BCAFM
BC Association of Farmers Markets
103-1089 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6H 1E5
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