Orchard Tractor

Tractor Survey 2021

Farmer with app

Trcator Survey 2021 Apps
Do you use any software or apps that help you work with your tractor? Like Weather apps, GPS, precision mapping software.

Tractor Survey 2021 Q N/U
- "Both as long as it does the job and is affordable"
- "New for the types that are not usually available used and get a lot of hours every year."
- "Prefer new with warranty"
- "Not buying someone elses mistakes I am concerned about history of use"
- "Always used the same brand. No need to research. Don’t fix what isn’t broken."
- " Prefer new but if I can find a used with low hours I will go with used."
- " Depending what is available, or what looking for."

Photo by www.ferrariagri.it
Ferrari with Implement

TRactor Survey 2021 Implement
Do you plan to buy a new implement and what is on your list to buy?
- Other implements on the wish list
- Bin Trailer
- Bucket
- Compost spreader
- Grape Hoe
- Grapple
- Hedgerow trimmer for summer pruning
- In line cultivator
- Leaf remover
- Mower
- Mulcher
- Multi use tool bar over the row
- Picking Machine
- Plough
- Pre-pruner
- Pruning Sweeper
- PTO driven snow blower
- Shredder
- Vineyard mower
- Weed Cultivator
What are your goals for 2021?
- The goal is to attempt to get through the covid scene with my employees.
- Planting a couple acres of syrah. Replacing old vines of a different varietal. New irrigation system for the same site as well.
- Install drip line one block.
- Plant a bit more ground crop.
- SAWP from Mexico to begin early enough for pruning. Replant one block.
- More cover crops, soil improvement and less spraying.
- New planting, streamline operations, grow our sales and hire key staff.
- To be able to open the tasting room more often…
- Removing an older cherry block and replanting.
- Take out orchard apples.
- Planting pears.
- Farming with no herbicides.
- Two acres of pinot gris going in this year. Otherwise just hoping our foreign workers arrive.
- Waiting for the bubble to burst on land prices before I buy more land.
- Survival, new planting.
- Keep excelling at what we do!
- Make some money.
- Retire.