What are your plans for 2022?
Down size, getting close to retirement.
Some replanting and new planting. Building a warehouse and renovating a house on the main property.
Increase irrigation. Right now we have a single drip line for our blueberries. I want to run an additional line to protect the plants from drought.
Continuing as usual barring any unforeseen pandemic incidents.
We are hoping to become more strictly organized and to use new ergonomics to assist our farm flow.
Planting, new irrigation, new staff, if I can get them.
Managing winter bud damage in the vines.
No major infrastructure changes. Just growing grape vines as per usual.
25 acre vineyard planting.
Replanting, retraining after the cold damage. Gearing up to focus on soil health in a year with not much crop.

Were you affected by the floods?

Will you purchase a tractor this year?

What about inflation?