2016 BC Tree Fruit Horticultural Symposium
The Okanagan Packinghouse Fieldmen’s Group, in collaboration with the BC Fruit Growers Association and Summerland Varieties Corporation will be hosting the BC Tree Fruit Horticultural Symposium on February 24th, 2016.
Trinity Baptist Church 1905 Springfield Road, Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 7V7
The Okanagan Packinghouse Fieldmen’s Group, in collaboration with the BC Fruit Growers Association and Summerland Varieties Corporation will be hosting the BC Tree Fruit Horticultural Symposium on February 24th, 2016.
The meeting will be held at the Trinity Baptist Church at 1905 Springfield Road in Kelowna BC. There will be full program of speakers and workshops plus a trade show.
Meals will be provided, starting with breakfast and end with a reception/awards presentation following the afternoon workshops.
If Tree Fruit Growers are your customers then you will want to display your products and services at the 2016 BC Tree Fruit Horticultural Symposium.
For more info please contact: