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Smart Glass
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Smart Glass Detail
Everybody in the wine world has this experience: You rent a booth at a wine festival, bring in your wines and your staff to impress the guests, and serve literally hundreds of glasses over the evening.
But do you ever hear from those potential customers again?
Would you even know it if you did?
Now, there’s an incredibly simple and powerful tool for wine festivals and wineries alike.
The Smart Wine Glass is used primarily in European wine festivals to not only hold the wine, but hold onto the wine customer.
One of the problems faced by wineries is that customers might try dozens of wines from a dozen different wineries, and by the time they get home they’ve forgotten many of the wines they’ve tried.
The wineries can’t remind them; there’s no way to contact the customer after the show.
That’s where the Smart Wine Glass comes in.
Each tasting glass contains a computer chip and a transmitter, which links to a sensor at the winery’s booth.
Consumers can ‘mark’ the wineries they like by swiping their Smart Glass on the sensor. The winery then gets the consumer’s email and can send them information on the wines they liked. You could even program the system to send the consumer locations where they can buy your wine at locations near their home.
The Smart Wine Glass system has not yet been used in North America, but was deployed successfully at several conferences and festivals in Sweden, Germany, Portugal and Brazil.
Find out more at: smartwineglass.com