Bosagrape has been distributing ingredients, supplies, and equipment to the craft beverage industry since 1989. Call us; we always appreciate talking to you or check out our website and let us help. Big or small orders can be picked up in person, or we can ship your goods economically and swiftly throughout Canada. We are good at what we do!
BosaGrape Winery & Brew Supplies
6908 Palm Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia
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Bosagrape Warehouse
This view of the warehouse gives some idea of the long and varied list of materials available to wine makers
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Bosagrape Lab Supplies
This corner of the Bosagrape warehouse is dedicated to a vast array of lab equipment.
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Flory Bosa
Flory Bosa sits in her warehouse among sacks of supplies used by winemakers all over the province.
6908 Palm Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia
Closures, Viticulture, Winery Equipment, Winery Supplies