BC Vines
The 16th Annual Enology & Viticulture Conference is coming to Penticton in July. This international two-day event draws speakers, suppliers and delegates from all over the world. You’ll be guaranteed to meet up with your peers and new contacts while learning valuable information.
Start the day early with a breakfast and learn about the leading edge research and technology for vineyards and wineries from knowledgeable speakers from BC, Washington, California and Italy,
Be sure to check out the tradeshow area, where you will see new products, new suppliers and get advice and tips on products you currently have from more than 100 exhibitors.
Day one has viticulture presentations, enology workshops and the tradeshow workshops. A pleasant way to end the first day is with a wine and cheese reception in the tradeshow area.
Then on Day two you have the enology presentations, viticulture workshops and more tradeshow workshops. Topics include sustainable practices for growing grapes and making wine, managing grapevine cold hardiness, grapevine viruses, canopy management, chicken wire science and much more!
Enology topics include what BC wineries need to know about safe food and the upcoming food safety regulations, wine yeast, barrel fermentation and as always, interesting panel discussions.
Check out the agenda for more details.