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Kirsten Wakal
Having Fun at Feast of Fileds
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Kirsten Wakal
Braised Lamb
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Kirsten Wakal
Food Tents
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Kirsten Wakal
Feast of Fields
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Kirsten Wakal
Pouring Wine
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Serving Food and Wine
There was no better way to celebrate the bounty of the Okanagan harvest than by attending the Okanagan Feast of Fields on August 16 this year. If you like fresh, locally grown, locally created food and libations, Feast of Fields is for you.
Founded in 1995, Feast of Fields connects the wineries, growers, chefs and consumers together in a wandering feast complete with music, beautiful locations and wonderful people. Feast of Fields now holds annual fundraisers in the Okanagan, the Lower Mainland, and on Vancouver Island, to highlight the connections between farmers and chefs and to increase the connections between farm folks and city folks.
This was my fifth Feast of Fields event (their seventh Okanagan event), this year at Meadow Vista Honey Wines in Kelowna. The weather and the venue were superb. Judie Barta (Meadow Vista) and Alison Love (Spatula Media) did a fantastic job of creating an inviting space for this event.
Rows upon rows of delectable delights greeted attendees while a fantastic group of servers and pourers shared their smiles and passion for their food and drink. If you are an Okanagan Foodie, this is a heavenly way to spend an afternoon as vendors supply you with seemingly endless food and beverages.
There was great information on things like green tourism, organic farming, gardening and seeds, as well as a working beehive and some chicks. It’s a fun and scrumptious way to connect us all together, while reminding us how important each and every one of us are to the health of our agriculture community.
Do yourself a favour, sign up for the Farm Folk eAlerts and get your tickets for next year. Come and support farm folk and the food and beverage artisans in your community. Your taste buds will thank you.