Agriculture associations seek to grow the farm economy for the benefit of primary producers; but how are the ag associations themselves innovating in their operations, governance, and structure, and how do associations support innovation on the farm?
Well, the future is here! The provincial umbrella organization, BC Agriculture Council, has decided to re-tool its support for the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP). Now, a business plan is being developed that will provide the Western Agriculture Labour Initiative (WALI) with the resources to deliver more value for ag producers. Needs identified include all of the work being done now, plus:
- support for the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) - Ag Stream Program;
- developing new systems to make housing inspections more efficient;
- a tracking system for LMIAs and workers.
BCFGA would like to see the WALI:
- coordinate transfers (matchmaking?) of workers between farms;
- work on a pathway to Permanent Residency for interested TFWs.
WALI will need to be innovative to address the usual needs effectively and efficiently and add services of value to primary producers.
In addition to introducing new resources and innovative systems into WALI, BCAC has decided to wind-up its administration of the EFP program and recommend passing the administration of the program to the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC (IAFBC), subject of course to approval processes of the federal/provincial funding agents. The motivation for the change came due to the resistance of some government officials in providing administration responsibilities to the same group that advocated for the program in the first place. Though we feel that some officials, in our humble opinion, do not understand the true value or social enterprise benefit of agriculture associations for agricultural producers. Sometimes we, ourselves, fail to recognize the value of our agriculture organizations!
In passing along the responsibility for EFP, the BCAC wishes to see program delivery by a farmer-led organization. Unlike for-profit delivery agents, a farmer-led organization exists for the benefit of the sector, according to BCAC. In other words, it is not about BCAC controlling the purse strings; it is about agriculture associations delivering value to growers beyond what a straight for-profit entity could offer. BCAC is willing to stop managing programs and take an innovative direction, for the good of the sector.
The BCFGA too has made huge contributions to innovative programs - firsts in the world (or at least, North America) - partnering with Regional Governments to establish the Sterile Insect Release Program (TFPG), on-line production guide, development of an online database of spray schedules, links (APIs) for the TFPG spray schedules to external programs line DAS and Crop Tracker. The tracking of PAC points using a database was also a first here in the Okanagan. It is difficult to think of an agricultural association that does not put funds into research projects, the basis of many farm innovations.
Associations promote the use of and apply to innovation programs, such as the IAFBC’s Agri-Innovation Program and the federal innovation program.
On the grower side, there is no shortage of information on the benefits of innovation. There is not enough space here to do justice to this incredible story of innovation, about which entire books have been written. Simply put, the 200 year march on agricultural productivity continues, as less than 2 per cent of the population currently produces food for the other 98 per cent.
The future of automation, precision agriculture, and new IT systems will be a challenge for primary producers to keep up with. Your agriculture associations are here to support producers in continuing to be the most efficient and effective sector of the economy. We will all achieve success through the adoption of innovative practices on the farm and when agricultural associations develop innovative services that provide value to primary producers.
Glen Lucas, General Manager, BC Fruit Growers’ Association